Iran, as a seismic prone area, has experienced numerous catastrophic earthquakes with tens of thousands of casualties. The primary goal of the seismic provisions in codes is to prevent the collapse. This study evaluates the performance of Iranian seismic code (standard No. 2800) provisions to achieve this objective. To this end, five intermediate moment-resisting reinforced concrete structures of 3, 5, 8, 10 and 15-storey (three-span) are designed in accordance with Iranian building design codes. Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) and Demand and Capacity Factored Design (DCFD) based on numerical integration (NI) method are used to evaluate the performance of Collapse Prevention (CP) level of the structures. Results show that probabilistic demand (PD) of structures increases with height of the structures so that its value is larger than the capacity factored for 15-storey structure.
Collapse Prevention (CP); Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA); Numerical Integration (NI); Demand and Capacity Factored Design (DCFD); Probabilistic Demand (PD)
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